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mua dong tren gac lanh dieuhiu / say giac cung chan am em / chot nghe tieng goi tu vo thuc / giat minh hon chot tinh giac/ ve day ve day /hoi giong hon lac loi / ve day ve day hay ve voi tuoi tho / da mot thoi ... quen lang /. tho tran tam cau ao , tho hon nhien vo tu... / con dau con dau con dau / hoi giong hon lacloi / co ve co ve khong hoi giong hong lac loi / da ve dau? / con dau nua hoi ...tieng goi thoi giang / con gi hoi tuoi tho vui dua / ta mo ta mo ta mo se mai la tuoi tho / chi la tuoi tho hon nhien khong ban chuyen nhan the khong la chuyen mau nang... / ta mo chi la the/ chi don giang khong cau ky / chi mot uoc mo trong dem / chi vay thoi va .. mo chi la mo mot giac mo trong dem / se ve seve/khi dem xuong say cung giac ngu yen /cung chot nghe tieng goi vo thuc...

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